The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends the use of dental sealants in children for extra protection against cavities. Children are more prone to developing cavities for a variety of reasons. Their teeth are smaller, making the crevices harder to keep clean. Their mouths are smaller, making it harder to reach the back teeth with a brush. Some children just do not like brushing their teeth, leaving parents struggling to establish a good oral regimen for them.
Dental sealants have been shown to benefit cavity reduction up to 80% in the first two years and up to 50% up to four years. These sealants are a simple and painless procedure that can reduce future discomfort and costs in terms of tooth decay and filling procedures.
Dr. Tom B. Curtis offers sealants for his pediatric patients in West Linn, Oregon. The sealant is a rubbery substance that is brushed on with a small brush. Once applied, the sealant prevents food and bacteria from lingering in the crevices of the teeth, reducing the incidence of tooth decay.
Most dental insurance companies will cover the cost of dental sealants in children up to the age of 18. Dr. Curtis will monitor the sealants at regular dental cleanings and can reapply them if worn down or damaged.